This research paper is devoted to investigating the effective role of training in raising the students� standards of oral communication at secondary schools in Khartoum State. The paper is divided into seven main sections that contain the introduction, key words, the materials and the methods (Methodology), analysis, findings, and conclusion.Effective training in oral communication helps learners to communicate effectively and quickly. Training can lead to positive results such as giving students the chance to speak with confidence without fear and hesitation. Therefore, the research paper aims at finding out whether training in oral communication can help in creating competent learners with an acceptable standard of oral communication by using up to date methods of oral communicative that help increase the learners� motivation and interest and overcome their anxiety.A questionnaire was designed for collecting the data. The participants chosen for this study are English language teachers. Two hundred English language teachers were the subject of the study. They were requested to give their views on 16 items of the questionnaire.According to the frequency distribution table for the question of the research paper in the second table, it is noticed that over seventy five of the teachers� views ranged between (Strongly agree) and (agree). While less than twenty five percent ranged between (undecided, disagree and strongly disagree). The results confirmed the importance of the fourteen items in playing an effective role in improving the students� oral communication standard. Also in figures, response answers showed that (1220) (38.1%) strongly agreed and (1320) (36.7%) agreed. This confirms the importance of introducing technology in teaching oral communication and enhancing the teaching and learning process.