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Browsing Masters Dissertations : Architecture and Planning by Title

Browsing Masters Dissertations : Architecture and Planning by Title

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  • Mohamed, Mohamed Khatir; Supervisor, -Mona Mustafa Al-Taher (Sudan University of Science & Technology, 2022-08-17)
    Open spaces play a vital and effective role in cities and local communities, and streets are a major part of the city’s elements. They are considered to have multiple functions, where people gather for social communication ...
  • AbdElaal, Fatima Adil Mohmed; Supervisor, - Saud Sadig Hassan (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2017-02-10)
    Now, we are facing the challenge of constructing in a sustainable way. However, discussions of sustainability tend to focus on new buildings while the existing building stock is often overlooked. More attention should be ...
  • Elbaroudi, Nagat Osman Mansour (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2015-06-01)
    As one of the major reasons causing ecological deterioration is absence or improper treatment of daily produced solid wastes from households in Khartoum state. For these solid wastes hasn`t received, and till now in Sudan, ...
  • MOHAMED, NASMA ABDELHFIZ (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2017-03-12)
    The way people perceive the city’s elements at night is totally depends on lighting design and man-made facilities. Due to the development of cities’ economic and citizen’s life style, the nightscape of the city became as ...
  • Alzubair, Basma Kamal; Supervisor, - Esam Abbakar (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2019-08-10)
    Safety and security systems have received increased attention nowadays they are fundamental aspects of building environments that are emerging trend adopted across critical infrastructures. This thesis introduces a building ...
  • HAMMAD, YUSRAH HAROUN ABU-ADAM; Supervisor, - SALEEM EL-ZAIN El-HASSAN (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2019-09-10)
    At the present time, architecture has not been immune to the technological development that has taken place in the world. Modern technologies have begun to modernize architecture, making them think, analyze, decide and ...
  • Ibrahim, Tasneem Abdallah Noraldeen (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2017-04-10)
    In recent decades, the world has saw large developed the industrial and urban and industrial cities especially so was keen researcher to shed light on the problem of fires factories that facing workers and destroy everything ...
  • Elshiekh, Dina Salah Eldin (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2014-04-10)
    Surgery department design has profound effect on work efficiency, infection control and psychology of patients and staff working in the area. To insure the success of design it should have multi-disciplinary team participating ...
  • Abdalla, Einas Ibrahim Mohammed; Supervisor, - Osman M. Elkheir (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2022-05-25)
    This research's problem is that refugee camps are Inadequate Shelters and do not meet human requirements. This study was conducted to identify the refugee camps' design criteria and study the refugee camps in Sudan ...
  • Elbashir, Salma Eltahir (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2011-02-01)
    In response to the worldwide deterioration of the environment and the increase in pollution levels, there has been a strong movement towards sustainable architecture across the globe. This movement has received attention ...
  • Gali, Naser eldin Ali Mohamed; Supervisor, Saleem Alzain (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2017-01-10)
    Open urban spaces in residential areas in Khartoum; suffer from severe neglect and violation because of the obvious infringement and desertion, so it is not used for cultural, social, recreational and environmental purposes ...
  • Hamdto, IbnRoshd Hamdto AbdoElgadir (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2014-08-20)
    The attention to the studying of aspects that affecting the development of the cities all over the globe is at great increasing specially from the financial institutes, donors and NGOs which focus its programs on the urban ...
  • Alawad, Raheeg AbdElhaleem Salih (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2017-04-10)
    Throughout most of human history, the majority of human settlements developed as mixed-use environments. Walking was the primary way that people and goods were moved about, sometimes assisted by animals such as horses or ...
  • ABDUL ELRAHEEM, OLAKANBI BOLAJI (Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2011-09-01)
    The target of this research is to assist designers in understanding the utilization of parametric modeling system, so that they can make more objective design decisions and offer more generative concepts of tall building ...
  • مصطفى, الهام السنوسي; مشرف, - عبدالحليم عوض عبدالحليم (جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا, 2019-01-10)
    على مدار التاريخ الإنساني عرفت الأرض العديد من التغيرات المناخية التي استطاع العلماء تبرير معظمها بأسباب طبيعية ، مثل بعض الثورات البركانية على مدار القرنين الماضيين أو التقلبات الشمسية ، إلا ان الزيادة المثيرة في درجات ...
  • عوض, اقبال منصور محمد; مشرف, - قراض فضل الله (جامعة السودان للعلوم و التكنولوجيا, 2021-10-02)
    يدرس هذا البحث التأثير السلبي لدرجات الحرارة علي المباني في المناطق ذات المناخ الحار الجاف , وذلك بدراسة االساليب التخطيطية التي تتعلق بخصائص النسيج الحضري والمعالجات المعمارية التي تتعلق بتصاميم االبنية والمعالجات ذات ...
  • الحسن, وجدان ميرغني محمد; مشرف, - سليم الزين الحسن (جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا, 2017-08-10)
    أصبحت المباني العالية منذ تسعينات القرن العشرين وخلال العشرة سنوات الأولى من القرن الواحد و العشرين من منشآت الحضارة والتمدن ، تتفاخر البلدان بأعلى النتائج التقنية التي توصلت إليها في تصميمها من حيث الإرتفاع ، ليس ذلك ...
  • خليل, مزاهر خليل محمد (جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا, 2011-03-10)
    مما لا شك فيه أنه رغم ماقدمه العلم والتطور التكنولوجي والثورة الصناعية من منافع للبشرية خلال المائة عام الماضية الا اننا نستطيع ان نقول ان ما قدمه من مضار لهو أكثر وأكثر . فالثورة الصناعية التي حفزت على قيام المدن الصناعية ...
  • ادم, مها يحى بخيت; مشرف, - عوض سعد حسن (جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكولوجيا, 2019-03-10)
    تناولت الدراسة ظاهرة التلوث في مسالخ ومصانع اللحوم في السودان وابتكار طرق واساليب ادارية تضمن نجاح منظومة ادارة مخلفات المسالخ والمصانع من حيث الجمع والتخلص والمعالجة بطرق تؤمن حماية البيئة
  • سيداحمد, سيداحمد محجوب; مشرف, - عوض سعد حسن (جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكولوجيا, 2019-12-10)
    أن إهمال أعمال الصيانة يمثل خطورة على سلامة وحياة المواطنين ومن ثم تعتبر الصيانة العنصر الثالث الأساسي بعد التصميم والتنفيذ بالنسبة لأي مبنى, فالصيانة هي العنصر المحافظ على المبنى مع الزمن والذى يضمن بقاءه سليما متماسكا ...


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