This is a case control study, conducted in kararry Locality during the period from August 2017 to January 2018 , to determine CBC (complete blood count) of 80 healthy Sudanese pregnant women at second trimester as case and 40 non pregnant women at matched age were used as controls . Pregnant women at second trimester were informed about the study and agreed for participating as cases . Aquestionnaire was designed to collect information about the study group such as demographic data ,age , number of pregnancies , month of pregnancy and,history of anemi .
Tow and half ml venous blood was collected in EDTA anticoagulant container , automated hematological analyzer (Sysmex KX-21N) was used to measure CBC and the result were analyzed by qi squer test using of SPSS computer program.
This study results revealed that that : There was significant decrease in hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) , red blood cells RBCs count ,mean cell hemoglobin ( MCH) ,(MCHC)and,lymphocyt% in pregnant women when compared with control group (p.< 0.05) and no significant difference in MCV this is characteristic of physiological anemia(Hoffbrand and, Moss 2011)Thephysiologic hypervolemia facilitates delivery of nutrientsto the fetus, protects the mother from hypotension, andreduces the risks associated with hemorrhage at delivery the decrease in blood viscosity from the lower hematocritcreates lowerresistance to blood flow, ( Gaiser, 2014) in pregnant due to dilution In normal pregnancy.
The result also showed that significant increase (p.=0.00) in, TWBCs neutrophil% , absolute neutrophil count and red cell distribution width (RDW) in pregnant women when compared to control group.
There was no significant difference in , Platelets count and mean plateletvolume ( MPV) in pregnant women when compared to control group.There was no significant different in mean of TWBs ,and all CBC parameters of pregnant women had three pregnant times or more when compare to other had less than three pregnant times (p≥0.05). according to age groups there is no Significant different in mean Hb and other CBC parameters in pregnant.