The web application performance become worse due to many reasons such as, the application code, database, servers, and network. Any one of these reasons or all of them can cause problems in application performance.
The aim of the research is to help developers of web application by providing them the needed information related to the application performance,this will help the developer to apply root cause analysis on performance problems, and solving them.
The research found that to be able to resolve performance problems, the developer need to know some information such as: execution time of every SQL query todetermine the most expensive, the memory consumption and function runtime and also be able to deal quickly with errors that occurred in real environment before the user of the application observing it.
The APM(Application Performance Monitoring) tool helping the developer to get all these information by collecting them from different resources such as:MySQL server and PHP log file, but still the developer need to analyze the causes of the problem and solving them manually, so the researcher recommends other tools desired to work in the same field to find out to solve problems automatically