Bohai Bay Basin,China, is a rift basin developed in Mesozoic-Cenozoic time span.
It was compressionally deformed during Caledonian Orogeny and situated on a Paleozoic platform
“old craton” basement and later subjected to extensional stress and induced major strike-slip
(wrench) fault. The basin opening transpired on a series of half-grabens trending NNE-SSW in
Bohai Bay Basin zone. Models for deformational mechanism and evolution of the Bohai Bay Basin,
China, and its tectonic and stratigraphic history were proposed. Two separate scenarios were set for
the evolution of Bohai Bay Basin: the first is based on the changes in plate convergence rates along
the eastern plate boundary of Eurasia/ Pacific plates which have additional role in the extensional
skin of Bohai Bay Basin in certain stage of extension or rifting and the second is a model of three
major incidents of extensional tectonism: basement pre-rifting, a syn-rift stage, and a post-rift sag
stage were documented for Bohai Bay Basin. The major factor controlling the lacustrine basins is
global eustasy; however, the role of global tectonic played a significant control mechanism in the
evolution and development of Bohai Bay Basin.