The present study was conducted at Al Rahad Turda North Kordofan State. The main target of this study was to investigate the impact of fish introduction in Al Rahad turda on the development of the local community mainly the impact on the fisher men and fishing activity, the impact on market mediators and fish marketing and to study the impact on fish consumption .For data collection three questionnaires were designed for fishermen, market mediators and final consumers. Descriptive as well as analytical statistics was employed to analyzes the data. The study revealed that fish introduction had significant impact (P<0.05) on fishermen and fishing activity .The number of the fishermen increased after introduction of fish Practicing fishing in the turda is back dated to more than 20 years but recently large number of people (60%) started their fishing activities in than seven years .New site of fishing namely Samaha was created which encompasses more that 50% of the fishermen. Fish introduction acted to generate more job opportunity especially for those of low education and youth mostly of the age group (21-30) year.The daily income of the fishermen increased significantly. Based on chi square test there is significant (p>0.05) change in all aspect of the fishing activity studied before and after fish introduction with the exception of the type and ownership of fishing crafts (p > 0.05). With the exception of the age of market mediator , income, season of fishing and the problem encountered in fish marketing (P< 0.05) , there was no significant difference in the variables studied before and after introduction(P>0.05) .Regarding fish consumption all of the variable studied showed significant differences (p< 0.05) before and after fish introduction. After introduction demand to fish became inelastic.
They consumers conceive that eating fish is good for health, reduces the incidence of diseases and reduces iodine and protein deficiency. The Surrounding Communities were positively impacted by fish introduction new activities and business emerges.The study concluded that a fish introduction acted to develop the local communities including fishermen and consumers .