The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of information technology on English language learning and teaching. The researcher use descriptive analytic method. The data of the study was collected by the use of questionnaire tool which was addressed Sudanese universities teachers who represented the sample of the study. The respondents of the study were (40) teachers of Englishas a foreign language in universities of Sudan. The data which obtained was analyzed by using (SPSS) statistical package for social science. The main findings of research revealed that most of English language teachers have positive attitudes towards the use of technology in EFL learning and teaching as believe that technology is as a valuable as traditional learning methods. The second one technology provides teachers with up to date information. Third information technology is becoming a must in the field of learning English language.The researcher recommended thatit to the ministry of education should to put the role of technology into considerations to be available in all universities and teachers of universities in Sudanshould be familiar withcomputer – assisted language teaching approach(CLT).