This study aimed to investigate the possibility of using authentic materials to enhance writing report,
finding out the reasons behind the absence of using authentic materials to teach report writing as well as
clarifying the importance of using such materials in teaching writing for the work place, specifically
writing report. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach as well as experimental methodology
in the study. Tests and interview were the means of data collection. The subjects of the study were 90
students of marketing at Sudan University of Science and Technology, who were given the test before the
training sessions and divided equally into control and experimental groups then they had the same test as
post- test after the treatment. The tests results showed the significant differences between the
performance of students before and after the treatment which show the improvements of the level of the
experiment participants .This revealed the possibilities of using authentic materials and authentic tasks to
promote writing report. The interview which was conducted with 12 teachers who teach ESP at three
different Sudanese universities at Khartoum State also showed the importance of using authentic
materials to teach report writing which will solve the problem that is caused by unaffordable, expensive
textbooks. Teachers also believe that using such materials, motivate students and connect them to real
world of language usage which creates sense of purpose for learning. The interview also proved that the
absence of using authentic materials at treasury level is due to the lack of training on how to use them
among teachers. The above mentioned results have verified the hypotheses of the study.