This study aimed to detect the effect of rheumatoid arthritis disease on some blood parameter using complete blood count. Seventy chronic rheumatoid arthritis patient from Zain Medical Center were selected in this study .Thirty individuals controlled as control this study .A specimen of 2.5ml blood was collected from each volunteers in EDTA container. Automated hematological analyzer (sysmex Kx2IN)was used to measure the parameters. .The result showed that in cases mean of CBC (Hb, WBcs ,Rbcs, PCV ,MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets count) parameters in case group were (11.6 ± 1.6mg/dl, 6.9+ 2.4/cumm, 4.4+0.5/cumm, 36.7+4.5%, 83.0± 6.9/fl , 26.0±2.8/pg, 31.0±1.6mg/dl,325.2±106.8 )respectively, while the control group(13.2±1.1mg/dl,6.2±1.7/cumm, 5.0±0.3/cumm, 41.0±3.5%,82.4±3.0/fl, 26.0±0.9/pg, 31.6±2.2 mg /dl, 263.2±54.6) respectively ,p value were(P<0.000 significant, P<0.165 insignificant, P<0,000 significant, P<0,000 significant, P.value 0.573 in significant , p.value<0.910 in significant , P.value<o.236 in significant , P<0.000which is significant , P.value0.003 .conclusion Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis patients were at risk to develop anemiahemoglobin ,red blood cell, packet cell volume of RA patients significantly decresed .There was no significant MCV ,MCH,MCHC , and insignificantly increased in TWBC indicating inflammation ,platelets increased significantly .significantly variation according to gender .the severity of anemia in female more than male,gender was not affected TWBC Count.