This study was aimed to validate the antimicrobial activity of different concentrations of methanolic extractof AmbrosiamaritimeL (100 % w/v),50 %( w/v), and 25 %( w/v) against selected clinical isolates from diabetic patients with recurrent urinary tract infections in Khartoum state. The study was conducted during the period from April to July 2015. Patients with diabetes using different protocols based to control diabetes were enrolled in this study. Urine samples were collected from both genders (male 35 and female 65).The urine samples were inoculated directly into Cystine lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) under aseptic conditions, and transported directly to the microbiology Laboratory of the University of AL-Ribat for processing .The bacteria were identified by Gram stain and biochemical tests. Out of 100 urine samples investigated, samples revealed positive bacterial growth in Cystine lactose Electrolyte Deficient. The identified species were E. coli (41%),K. pneumoniae (20%) S. auerus (12%),E. faecalis (12%) ,S. saprophyticus (8%) andP. mirabilis (7%) and resistance were P . mirablis (7%), E .faecalis (8%).The methanolic extract of Ambrosia maritime L has antimicrobial potential against urinary pathogens. Further investigations with reference strains is essential before it is possible to draw anyfinal result since, highconcentrations were required for the inhibition of urinary pathogens .