The present study was carried out in Middle Darfur state, during the
period from July to August - 2014. The aims of this study were to determine
the chemical composition and fatty acids profile of camel milk from four
different areas in Middle Darfur state. Forty camel's milk samples were
obtained from four different areas in Middle Dar Fur state; Garsilla, Nertety,
Abata and Sullo, ten samples from each area. The collected milk samples
were analyzed for chemical composition and fatty acids profiles. The obtained
data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Least significant different
(LSD) for mean separation of the chemical composition and fatty acids of
camel milk between four areas. The results presented that the total solids
contents was significantly difference (P <0.05). While no significant
variations (P >0.05) were found in protein, fat, titratable acidity, ash contents
and specific gravity of the camel milk samples in the four areas. The highest
values of milk protein contents were recorded in Sullo and Abata areas
(3.64±0.18% and 3.64±0.14%, respectively), while the highest value of fat
contents were recorded in Garsilla area (3.81±0.29%). Garsilla, Abata and
Sullo areas were recorded highest values of acidity (0.14±0.01%), while the
highest values of ash contents were recorded in Garsilla area (0.95±0.17%).
Specific gravity of the milk samples in all areas were recorded the same value
(1.029±0.01). The results showed that significant variations (P <0.05) were
found in ecosenoic and heptadecenoic fatty acids profile of the camel milk in
the four areas. While no significant differences (p> 0.05) were reported in
capric, lauric, tridecanoic, myristoloic, oleic, caprylic, palmitoleic, stearic,
arachidic, eicosadenoic, palmitic, linoliec, linolenic, erucic, tricocenoic,
nervonic and behenic acids of the camel milk samples. Capric and myristoloic
acids were found in samples collected from Garsilla, Nertety and Sullo areas,
while were not detected in Abata area samples. lauric, oleic, caprylic and
palmitoleic acids were found in all samples collected from Garsilla, Nertety,
Abata and Sullo. Tridecanoic acid was found only in samples of Garsilla area.Eicosenoic and heptadecenoic acids were found in samples of Garsilla, Abata
and Sullo areas except samples of Nertety area. Also stearic acid was found in
samples of Nertety, Abata and Sullo except samples of Garsilla area.
However, arachidic, eicosadenoic, palmitic and linolenic were not detected in
samples of Garsilla and Nertety areas. Linoliec, erucic, tricocenoic and
nervonic acids were found only in samples of Abata area. While behenic acid
was found only in Sullo area samples.