All over the world, nations are concerned about the challenge of sustainable energy, energy efficiency effects on society, environment and the economy. This research develop a green ICT solutions to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in data centers. Focusing on achieving high energy efficiency for green data centre, an energy efficient framework (RAIN) for energy efficiency assessment and manage-ment has been developed. Additionally, the author used Fixed to Variable Energy Ratio (FVER) as a suitable metric, to demonstrate ability and sensitivity from the effect of changes in energy workload efficiency. The tool and its technique were validated through analysis of several data sets gathered from ICT data centres in Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The innovative assessment tool, indicators and techniques will enable ICT data centres to monitor, measure, assess and man-age energy efficiently for Green data centers. The implementation of the proposed framework proved that RAIN could achieve an average of 50% saving of a data centre’s total energy consumption, consequently leading to performance-optimisation of ICT infrastructure services enabling users to concentrate on business, cutting ICT operations costs, reducing indirectly emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and minimis-ing its carbon footprint. The proposed framework compared by other green framework and provides not only covers the understanding of different aspects of green ICT, but may also be used as a tool to evaluate techniques required to put green ICT into action.