The present study was conducted to determine the effect of the breed, sex,
season and the physiological status on some haematological and serum biochemical
parameters of Saanen goats, under Sudan conditions .
The effect of the breed was done by comparing the studied parameters in the
Saanen goats with Nilotic ones of the same age. The Nilotic goats showed
significantly higher values for Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, ALP and K. The
reverse was true for neutrophils T.P, uric acid, AST, cholesterol, Na, Ca, P. RBC,
TWBC, lympohcytes, monocytes, eosinophils basophils, glucose, albumin, globulin,
creatinine , urea , triglycerides , ALT and Mg were not influenced by the breed .
The investigated parameters were measured in Saanen goats during winter
and the wet summer of the year 2008.RBC, TWBC, T.P, albumin, creatinine, AST,
ALP, Na, Mg, Ca, were significantly higher during winter than wet summer.
Conversely, MCV, MCH, MCHC, monocytes, eosinophils, glucose, urea, uric acid,
ALT, K and P were low in winter animals compared with wet summer animals . Hb,
PCV, neutrophils, lymphocytes, globulin, cholesterol and triglycerides did not vary
with the season.
Female goats had significantly higher Hb, PCV, RBC, MCH, TWBC,
eosinophils, cholesterol, urea, uric acid, ALT, and Na than male goats .In contrast
male animals had significantly higher , neutrophils, creatinine, AST and ALP than
females. No intersex variations were observed in MCV,MCH, lymphocytes,
monocytes, glucose , T.P , albumin , globulin , triglycerides ,K , Mg ,Ca or P.
For the physiological state study three groups of animals were used,
pregnant-lactating, non pregnant-lactating and non pregnant-dry. The physiological
state did not affect neutrophils , lymphocytes , monocytes , cholesterol or
triglycerides. The non pregnant dry animals had the highest , Hb , PCV, MCV, Mg
and P. The pregnant –lactating animals had the highest ,RBC , TWBC, T.P,
albumin, globulin , creatinine , AST, ALP and Ca. the non pregnant-lactating ones
exhibited high MCH, MCHC, eosinophils, glucose, urea ,uric acid, ALT, K and P.
The results were compared and discussed with other researchers findings.
It is recommended that further studies to be done and to correlate the studied
parameters with the animals metabolic and nutritional status.