The biochemical effect of Zingibe r officinale and Ambrosia maritima were
tested in Wistar rats.5 experiments were done. Two dietary levels (2% and
10% of each plants and a mixture of both plants 5%:5% were tested in rats
fed Z. officinale and A. maritima the results showed significant decrease in
glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol concentration. There was slightly
increase in MCV and MCH, and decrease in MCHC. The WBC's values
were lower. The evaluation of the mixture of the two herbal plants fed to
rats show significant increase in AST and ALT activity while there was no
change in ALP activity in all groups ; there were decrease in many
parameters like Cholesterol LDL and Glucos e concentration. On the other
hand, on the oral administration of petrolium ether and ethanol extracts of
the two plants (50 mg/kg and 100mg/lg each) on Alloxan-induced diabetic
rats showed significant decrease in the concentration of glucose, total
protein, triglyceride, cholesterol and. In contrast in the AST, ALT and LDL
there was a slight increase. There were no significant differences in ur ea,
bilirubin, ALP, and HDL and all haematological parameters except WBC's
level which showed significant decrease in the z officinale. The
administration of the plants extracts Z .officinale and A. maritima increases
the body weight in Alloxan induced- diabetic rats. Neither clinical signs
appeared in tested rats, nor were significant pathological changes observed
in all treated groups.