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Impact of Application of ISO 9001:20 Performance of Sheikan Insurance and Reinsurance Company - 2007-201000 on the

Show simple item record Ali, Talha Tarifi Muhammad 2014-06-12T11:44:30Z 2014-06-12T11:44:30Z 2014-01-01
dc.identifier.citation Ali,Talha Tarifi Muhammad. Impact of Application of ISO 9001:20 Performance of Sheikan Insurance and Reinsurance Company - 2007-201000 on the/Talha Tarifi Muhammad Ali;Ali Abdullah alhakim.-Khartoum:Sudan University of Science and Technology،Quality totel,2014.-100p.:ill.;28cm.-M.Sc. en_US
dc.description Thesis en_US
dc.description.abstract The main objective of this research is to study impact of the The research aims to test the following hypothesis :- 1-there is appositive relationship between ISO 9000 application of ISO 9001 on the performance of sheikan insurance &reinsurance company . implementation and the company performance 2-there is appositive relationship between ISO 9000 implementation and the company market share 3-there is appositive relationship between ISO 9000 implementation and the company profitability The finding of the study indicate that all the hypothesis mentioned above are accepted . The research concludes with the most important recommendations these are :- 1-much effort is to be exerted in order to ensure continuity of application of total quality management through creating conducive working conditions. 2- conduct afield research to measure the satisfaction of customers for the services provided by the company . 3- the company must concentrate on the continuous process improvement approach. 4- the company must concentrate on the key processes which have a direct relation with customers like the underwriting processes and claims settlement processes. 5-more important must be given to customers service department and the resources must be made available to this department . 6- the company must have a social responsibility role to play in society and this role is very important for any company working in the field of service from a marketing view . 7- the company must adopt the Japanese quality circle system In order to enhance effective performance 8- non value added processes must be eliminated 9- The government of Sudan must encourage all the organizations to implement quality management systems The main objective of this research is to study impact of the The research aims to test the following hypothesis :- 1-there is appositive relationship between ISO 9000 application of ISO 9001 on the performance of sheikan insurance &reinsurance company . implementation and the company performance 2-there is appositive relationship between ISO 9000 implementation and the company market share 3-there is appositive relationship between ISO 9000 implementation and the company profitability The finding of the study indicate that all the hypothesis mentioned above are accepted . The research concludes with the most important recommendations these are :- 1-much effort is to be exerted in order to ensure continuity of application of total quality management through creating conducive working conditions. 2- conduct afield research to measure the satisfaction of customers for the services provided by the company . 3- the company must concentrate on the continuous process improvement approach. 4- the company must concentrate on the key processes which have a direct relation with customers like the underwriting processes and claims settlement processes. 5-more important must be given to customers service department and the resources must be made available to this department . 6- the company must have a social responsibility role to play in society and this role is very important for any company working in the field of service from a marketing view . 7- the company must adopt the Japanese quality circle system In order to enhance effective performance 8- non value added processes must be eliminated 9- The government of Sudan must encourage all the organizations to implement quality management systems en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Sudan University of Science and Technology en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sudan University of Science and Technology en_US
dc.subject Application en_US
dc.subject Sheikan Insurance and Reinsurancee Company en_US
dc.title Impact of Application of ISO 9001:20 Performance of Sheikan Insurance and Reinsurance Company - 2007-201000 on the en_US
dc.title.alternative تطبيق نظام الأيزو9001:2000 وأثره في أداء شركة شيكان للتأمين وإعادة التأمين 2007 - 2010 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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