diseases in Sana'a (capital of Yemen). In Yemen, the faults in medical field are due to bad diagnosis.
The researcher found that, the common renal disease in Sana'a was renal stones, and the most imaging modality used was U/S. The researcher also found that main causes of improper role of diagnostic radiology are low qualifications of employers in medical field, and lack of communication between them. On the other hand there is no quality assurance programme in radiology departments in Sana'a.
In this study, the researcher gave adequate review about the anatomy and physiology of the renal system, and the common diseases which affect kidneys. The review also includes brief information about the Radiological investigations of the kidneys.
The researcher also displayed the procedures of the research and the methods of data collection (practice, interviews, and questionnaires) used, and he mentioned the steps of data analysis. He wrote the results of the study with its statistical tables and graphs. The results of the research were discussed. Conclusion and specific recommendation were given
The researcher selected this study to show the role of medical Radiologic imaging modalities in diagnosing the common renal