Seventy five chronic renal failure under dialysis were subjected
to biochemical investigation in under to assess the
development of anemia in these patients, and to high the
major factors which may believe to cause anemia in CRF
patients who under renal dialysis.
The preliminary investigation related that about
35% CRF
patients were diabetic hypertensived.
The result also showed that the CRF patients who undergo renal
dialysis maintained really normal iron concentration.
The result also related that the majority of CRF patients
presented with normocytic normochromic anemia Ethropetin
(Epo) the glycoprotien hormone in the synthized in the
kidney and other factors may implicated in casing anemia in
CRF the implication Epoetin beta the recombirait from of
erythorepoietin in treatment of anemia associated with CRF
was discussed