This study is aiming at investigating some of personal
charcteristics and communicational knowledge, of the farmers and their
relation with the adopting of the technological pachages for the sorghum
crop in the area of study (locality of Elgablain ) in order to increase the
productivity of this crop.
To achieve this objective the researcher used the social survey and
selected 100 farmers as a random sample from one thousand farmers
representing the society of the research. The researcher used the
questionnaire to collect data from the sample, which included 19
questions. He used the computer statistical package for social sciences
(SPSS) to analysis the data to Calculate the percentage ratios and and chi
squire to know if there is relation between the variables also he used (t)
The researcher produced many results, the important of them are:-
- About 90% of the respondents were male and 10%. Female.
- About 32% of the respondents have large families and 27% of
them have small families.
- about 17% of the respondents are with secondary education and
28% are with primary education .
- about 8% of the respondents adopted the technology of sowing
- About 49% of the respondents have adopted the technology of
- About 36% of the respondents adopted the technology of
- About 92% of the respondents have adopted the technology of past
control..The results of chi squire:-
- There is significant relation between sex and adoption of the
technology of land prepartion and the technology of lands
preparing and the technology of fertilizing.
- There is no significant relation between the level of education and
adopting the level education and adopting the technology of
sowing date, the technology of technology of fertilizing and the
technology of seed rate/ feddan.
From (T) test results :
- There is significant difference between the productivity of per
Faddan before and after adopting the technology for the crop.
And due to the results of this study the researcher recommended the
following to the management of agricultural extension in the white Nile
state .
- The need of advising farmers on good preparing of the land to the soil
and providing good seeds for growing and the presented of the
agricultural advisors during sowing and to follow agricultural operations