There are conflicting opinions about the extent of the impact of hearing disability on mental development.
50 A comparative study conducted on the levels of intelligence between the hard of hearing and the normal, and the statistics from these studies proved that hearing impairment in itself does not affect the IQ, and that is on the performance tests, but there are certain types among the categories of hearing impairment where there is a defect or defect in the device Neurological impairment in addition to hearing impairment, and there is a high rate of intellectual weakness in these, which indicates that brain injury is the reason behind mental retardation and not auditory impairment, in addition to the fact that the ability to abstract thinking does not differ in the hearing impaired from ordinary children, whether they are children or adolescents. This trend is supported by the presence of a large number of deaf people who excel in statistics and mathematics.
Which makes us conclude that if the mental development of the child is healthy, he will have the ability to rehabilitate and learn the language quickly.
The aim of this project was to determine the mental ability and the level of intelligence of hearing-impaired children to estimate the preparatory years spent in learning and acquiring the language after providing the child with the auditory aid (cochlear - a hearing aid) by designing a model hypertext preprocessor that includes the colored successive matrices test by John Raven.