This study aimed at investigating the impact of listening to recorded material by native speakers on production and placement of word and sentence stress by English as foreign Language (EFL) University students. Then, two objectives among others were stated as follows: 1- To enhance EFL Learners ability to place and produce word and sentence stress correctly. 2- To draw EFL Learners attention to the role of word and sentence stress on enhancement of pronunciation. Also, two of the questions of the study were stated as follows: 1- How far do (EFLLs) make mistakes in producing and placing word and sentence stress? 2- To what extent is there a significant impact of listening to recorded material by native speakers on placement and production of word and sentence stress? The present study applied experimental, descriptive and analytical method. The sample of the study were140 subjects formally registered for the academic year 2019- 2020 in the Faculty of Arts, Department of English language and literature Omdurman Islamic University (O.I.U). Based on the experience of the researcher as their class teacher this group was selected as sample of the present study because they have studied phonology as a prescribed course. The test was used to collect data from the subjects. The study came out with the following findings: 1- There was a positive impact on placement and production of word and sentence stress due to Classroom interventions. 2-Providing audio- visual aids in a classroom were recommended by the researcher to help students emphasize word and sentence stress. Finally, the researcher suggested some further topics to be investigated by ELTs in the future.