The development of cardiovascular diseases with atherosclerotic origin is associated with a severe inflammatory and thrombosis processes. Neutrophils, lymphocytes and platelets are cells sensitive to this type of disorder and their ratios(NRL and PLR) have shown to be useful in clinical practice.The analytical study aimed to evaluate Neutrophil-Lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) among Sudanese cardiovascular disease patients in Khartoum state. This study conducted at100CVD patients and 100 healthy volunteers as a control. Patients data was collected from patients medical files and by questionnaire. The NLR and the PLR were calculated as the ratio of neutrophil count to lymphocyte count and as the ratio of platelet count to lymphocyte count, respectively. 3ml of blood were collected from all participants in EDTA coagulant vaccutaner for CBC using sysmex XP300. ANOVA test was used in bivariate analysis to assess the factors affecting NLR and PLR.CBC findings were shown different comparison؛ hemoglobin and PCVwere decreased among case group compared with control(P=0.000). While WBCs, PLT and neutrophil counts were significantly elevated among case group compared with control group(P=0.000). Lymphocyte count significantly differenced for case and control group (P= 0.001). NLR was significantly(P=0.000) higher in CVD patients when compared. Also CVD patients showed significantly higher value of PLR when compared to control group. Both parameters (NLR and PLR) were significantly high in males CVD patients and non-STEMI CVD subtype (P < 0.05).
Conclusion In this study, NLR and PLR, simple inflammatory marker, can be used as an auxiliaryparameter for predicting the diagnosis of CVD. And also, they canprovide an additional level of risk stratification in patients with CVD.