This is descriptive and cross sectional study aimed to determine the frequency of Anti H .pylori Ig G antibody using ELISA technique among people suffering from gastritis(symptom such as vomiting ,stomach pain, bloating, belching, o black stool).This study was carried out in Elsayal Elkabeer Village in River Nile State, from April to June 2016.
A total of one hundred and fifty tested by ICT. Take ninety serum sample positive by ICT retested by ELISA technique found 76 (84.4%) positive and 14(15.6%) negative classified to male32(35.5%) female44(48.9%).According to this study a majority of positive are female among poor participant and then used H .pylori and stool Ag from positive ELISA46 is positive by stool Ag and 30(33.3%) negative from negative ELISA 3(3.3%)is positive.
According to this study there was no significant correlation between H. pylori Sero positive I gG Economic status (p 0.6), Age group (p0.3) family history (p 0.1).But found correlation between H. pylori infection and gender (p 0.04).age group 10-30 is more infected than other age group 46(51.1%).
Finally the ICT ,ELISA ,and stool Ag is more sensitive ,specific and high accuracy predictive value technique to diagnose H pylori infection.