A cross sectional study was conducted from June 2018 to April 2019 for determination of sheep monieziasis and investigation of some associated potential risk factors in Atbara locality (River Nile state) from the Slaughterhouse , Clinic and Field . A total of 390 fecal samples from sheep were collected and examined using direct flotation test .The result indicated that natural monieziasis was prevalence among Sudanese sheep at Atbara locality with an overall prevalence 33,3% .The questionnaire was used to determine the risk factors (sex ,age , breed , body condtion , season , nutrition ) of the monieziasis . The following risk factors showed highly association with sheep monieziasis in the univariate analysis under significant level of p-value ≤ ,25 : sex (p-value ,00) ,breed (p-value ,00) , season (p-value ,000) ,body condition ( p-value ,000) , age(p-value ,000) and nutrition (p-value ,002) . Using multivatriate analysis to determine possible significant association between monieziasis and potential risk factors , the result showed that there was significant association with all of the investigated risk factors .It can be concluded that this Moniezia parasite was high prevalent in Atbara locality and using of anthelmintic as a protective agent .Therefore ,the using of anthelmintic in sheep farmers from period to period is recommended as prophylactic measure in summer and autumn , using the effective acariside to elimination the intermediate host and feeding the sheep in narrative food to increase resistance to disease .