This study was carried out to monitor and survey the fruit fly species in Slait area north of Khartoum Bahri locality, during the period from November 2017 to March 2018 to identify the major species. Hence a Survey was carried out using, the food traps (guava juice) and sticky traps (Methyl Eugenol) for capturing prevailing species in Slait area. The results of the survey showed that there are two types of fruit flies, the peach fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata), which was the dominant species, and the Asian fruit fly (Bactrocera invadens) in the study area.
The second aim of this study was to investigate, through Laboratory Experiments, the repellency effect of ethanolic extracts of Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica) andUsher Plant leaves (Calotropis procera) on the adults of two encountered species. Accordingly two concentrations of each of the Neem and Usher ethanolic leaves extracts were used (i.e.,10% , 20%) Through topical application method.
The results revealed that both extracts have a repellency effect on the adults of the two species of fruit flies. The repellency effect was detected periodically after 2, 4, 6 and 8 hrs after application. In addition it was found that the two concentrations caused high repellency effect in comparison to the control treatment where only water was applied.