During Enterprise Resource Planning system lifetime, the response time
increasing while the amount of data is increasing because data is retrieving from the
relational database, where the more data to be processed the more time needs to
response. A new data storage system has been developed called NoSQL, which
stands for “Not Only SQL or Non SQL systems”. NoSQL systems have been
designed for large-scale data storage and apply parallel data processing. To identify
and develop the optimal solution to reduce the time of huge data processing in the
Odoo framework.
The proposed solution is to import data from Odoo database and store it in
NoSQL data storage and build Odoo module that is able to read and write data from
both PostgreSQL Database (which is not distributed database) and suitable NoSQL
database. This research aims to solve the Odoo performance latency problem, this
reduce storage costs, because it is cheaper to store archived data based on NoSQL
infrastructure, Open-source software and easy to extending in future, Also can use
data for mining “data mining”.