This was a cross sectional descriptive study done in AlhasahissaHospital in Aljazeera state during the period from August2018 to December 2018 .The problem of study was that there were many disease that can affect the splenic volume in Sudanese ,specifically malaria in Aljazeera state and no reference value available. The aim of study to measurement of splenic volume among healthy adult in Aljazeera state using ultrasonography .trans abdominal scan doneamong100 healthy adult subjects 47 males and 53femalsby using sonoscape ultrasound machine and3.5MHZ curvilinear transducer probe by using data collection sheet which included many variables splenic length ,width ,thickness, volume ,age ,gender ,height ,weight and body mass index and analysis using SPSS statistical program.
the result which found that the mean value and stander deviation of spleen length , spleen width , spleen thickness and spleen volume about 10. 3±1.4 cm, 8.5±1.7cm, 4±.83cm, 195.8±83.2 cm³respectively.there were statistically differences between male and female in length, width, thickness and volume, 10. 4±1. 5.8. 7±1. 7. 4. 1±. 86. 202±92. 2 for male, 10.2±1. 3. 8. 3±1. 7. 3. 9±..81, 189.5±74. 5 for female, that mean the men had larger spleen than female there was significant correlation between spleen length and age of subject(p-value 0. 03) and no significant correlation between spleen width, thickness and volume with age(p-value 0. 6, 0. 3, 0. 2), and strong correlation of spleen length and spleen volume with height of subject, spleen width and spleen thickness had strong correlation with weight ,body mass index had correlation with spleen thickness and volume and no correlation with spleen length and spleen width.Further study with larger sample volume need for more accurate result and malaria patient to know the effect in spleen volume.