Samplesof Anogeissusleiocarpusgum were randomly collected as natural exudates from different locations of the Sudan gum belt.
The physicochemical properties of composite samples studied were moisture content, ash, nitrogen, protein, specific rotation, relative viscosity, refractive index, density, also UV electromagnetic radiation, metals ions, pH, uronic acid, reducing sugars and infrared spectra. Analysis of variant of results showed insignificant differences (p<0.05) in all properties studied. The mean value of all parameters studied were; moisture content 7.82%, ash content 2.02%, nitrogen content 0.14%, protein content 0.87%, specific optical rotation-35.5°, relative viscosity 0.914kg/(m s), refractive index1.589, density 1.066g/ml. UV absorption spectra gave a maximum absorption (λmax) at 277nm, the cationic composition was in the order; the calcium (Ca++) 0.45325 ppm >potassium (K+)0.35200 ppm > magnesium (Mg++)0.10465 ppm >sodium (Na+)0.06000 ppm >iron (Fe++)0.05625 ppm > lead (Pb++)0.02580 ppm > zinc (Zn++) 0.01973 ppm and trace amount of manganese (Mn++)0.00745 ppm, chromium (Cr++)0.00045ppm, and there is no cadmium (Cd++). The pH was found to be 4.52, and glucuronic acid 0.14%.
The compositionchemically, consisted mainly of high-molecular, rhamnose 9.288%, arabinose 34.00%, and galactose 27.50%.
Anogeissusleiocarpus gum was used as suspending agent for cefixime suspension powder, compared with the reference sample, the pH were measured, density and sedimentation volume,the results of the pH for seven days for samples between 3.77 in day one , 3.68 in day seven and referencesample between 3.82 in day one and 3.71 in day seven, the relative density for sample was 1.45g/ml in day one and 1.40 g/ml in day seven, and for reference sample was 1.40 g/ml in day one and 1.36 g/ml in day seven and the sedimentation volume for four weeks as follows: the first week 0.83, second week 0.80, third week 0.77, and the fourth week 0.71. The reference sample as follows: the first week 0.83, second week 0.80, third week 0.77, and the fourth week 0.71. Also, kinetic chemical reaction rate for cefixime dry suspension powder were studied in 45o C and relative humidity 75% for six months, the assay in initial time were 100.05%, the first month were 87.22%, second month 80.01%, third month 63.25% and sixth month, 55.15%.
Also, cytotoxicity of Anogeissusleiocarpus gum was investigated after cell growth. The concentration at which the growth of cells was inhibited to 50% of the control (IC50) was 370.5μg/mL±15.68. It presented an accentuated inhibition of cell growth at 125 μg/mL, 250μg/mL and total inhibition at 500 μg/mL was 27.5 ± 1.5, 49.0 ± 1.42 and 49.2 ± 1.4 respectively. The limit of the toxicity is IC50< 30μg/mL and the non-toxic IC50> 100μg/mL, shows the effect on cell growth. Practically non-toxic and the value ofIC50 result indicatethat the Anogeissusleiocarpus gum is non-toxic and cytotoxicity assays did not interfere in the results because all reagents and chemicals used are non-toxic. The in vitro cytotoxicity assays are used as screening tests for evaluation Anogeissusleiocarpus gum biocompatibility