The Characterization of Glomular filtration rate (GFR) using renal scintigraphy and blood flow indiceswith enhancement of gamma camera system model (nucline spirit (DHV) variable angle dual head SPECT and whole body DH -503066-VO) and color doppler ultrasound, has been carried out among 211 patients of multi renal diseases with age between 20-70 year.The GFR was obtained from an injection of the sample by Tc-99m\DTPA as 185MBq (5mci). The Doppler indices (PSV and RI) was measured using doppler ultrasound machine Model: medson- sonoac X8 Orgain : Korea , Probe : convex probe (2.5-5 Mhz). The collected data was the GFR of the kidneys (Rt. and LT) versus PSV of the kidneys (Rt. and LT),GFR of the kidneys (Rt. and LT) versus RI of the kidneys in addition to GFR of the kidneys (Rt. and LT) versus Age of the patients, PSV of the kidneys (Rt. and LT) versus Age of the patients and PSV of the kidneys (Rt. and LT) versusAge of the patients. Also, the general distribution of the sample based on the gender was measured.
The study shows that: proportional relationship between age and PSV of both RT and Lt. Kidneys. This reveal that as the age increased the PSV increased with minimum difference between the right and left kidneys concerning the age.
Also the relationship between age and RI of the RT and LT. kidneys was proportional relation with minimum difference between the right and left kidneys concerning the age. Also the study reveals that the relationship between age and GFR of the RT and Lt. Kidney was proportional relation. These results showed that as the age increased the GFR increased and this is due to effect data collect most dominantly from young patients.
The study also showed proportional relation between the PSV (cm/sec) and GFR (ml/min) of the right and kidneys with minimum difference between the right and left kidneys concerning the relation between the PSV and GFR. Also the study reveal irreversible relationbetween thePSV(cm/sec) and total GFR (ml/min) of the RT. And left kidneys with significant difference between the right and left kidneys concerning the relation between the PSV and total GFR.
The study also reveals proportional relation between the RI and GFR (ml/min) of the right and Lt. Kidneys with significant difference between the right and left kidneys concerning the relation between the RI and GFR. And the relationship between the RI and total GFR (ml/min) of the RT and LT. kidneys was proportional relation with significant difference between the right and left kidneys concerning the relation between the RI and total GFR. This study provides a rich information about the GFR concerning the time activity curve and blood flow indices using Doppler. As well as obtained Glomerular filtration rate using Gamma Camera method and blood flow indices (RI and PSV), correlate between the blood flow indices and the coefficient of time activity curve and estimate the GFR using blood flow indices.Also this study transforms the knowledge of GFR using Gamma camera to the safest method using ultrasound.