This study was aimed to investigate the prevalence of tick and tick -borne diseases (Theileria, Babesia, and Anaplasma) in Khartoum state. The procedure used was collection of data from different areas and localities, namely Khartoum, Omdurman and Bhari. Data were analyzed with appropriate statistical methods. The results indicated that the high incidence of tick and blood parasite was highest in Khartoum locality, followed by Omdurman and the least incidence was in Bahri. In Khartoum the incidence of tick and blood parasite was high in bovine, in Omdurman the incidence was high in equine, in Bahri the incidence was high in bovine also .Babesiawas of high incidence in Khartoum followed by Omdurman and then Bhari.Anaplasmawas of similar occurrence in Khartoum and Omdurman .And absent in Bhari. Tick were of high incidence in Khartoum Omdurman and Bhari. The incidence of blood parasites during( 2016-2017) was recorded according to the month of year. The incidence of blood parasites according to species showed that Babesia was high in equine, Theileria was high in bovine and Anplasma was high in equine. Tick infestation was high in canine. Mixed infection was mainly recorded in bovine, ovine and caprine .Statistical analysis revealed that there is significant effect of state, locality, year, month, age and species on the occurrence of blood parasite. It could be concluded that blood parasite and tick are prevalent in Khartoum state and control and preventive measures should be applied.