Transtibial prosthetics in Sudan need to have attention, according to the National Authority for Prosthetics and Orthotics (NAPO) statistics transtibial amputees represents the biggest number between the other levels of amputation in Sudan. Design of foot and pylon as a single part using SOLIDWORKS 2016 program had been made, and then analysis using FEA method by ANSYS 15.0 program which is powerful Finite Element Analysis Software. Applying ground reaction force during the five stages of stance phase to aluminium alloy, stainless steel, titanium alloy materials had been made and eventually two materials in one design stainless steel and titanium alloy, this means in some parts of the design stainless Steel was used and in others titanium alloy. Using two materials stainless steel and titanium alloy was the best, and it had maximum Equivalent stresses values (77.712MPa, 96.948MPa, 365.1MPa, 494.67MPa, and 750.02MPa) which are less than the yield strength of the material in all stages. The probability of failure of design to withstand the applied loads using safety factor showed that this design is suitable for persons who their mass are below 60 kg and their foot length is 24 cm.