The study aimed at investigating the concept of slang as used negatively by speakers and its impact on the individuals' behavior in the society. The study hypothesized that using slang has negative impact on the behavior of the society members. The study also reflected that slang expressions included taboo words that appear in the Facebook and other social media channels. The subjects of the study are graduate students at Sudan University of Science and Technology. The researcher presented a number of slang expressions to justify the problem by using qualitative approach by using SPSS method of analysis. The researcher found out that teenagers are the most affected group in terms of using slang expressions among society individuals due to the cultural or technological reasons. The social media channels have the lion's share in spreading such expressions in that people got to know new words when dealing with Facebook, Twitter or whatever. So, the researcher recommended the individuals in the society should avoid using slang words and expression that have nothing to do with the moral values and they should select moral and good slang expressions to be used among them and try as far as possible to amend their behavior when dealing with social media.