This study was carried out to find technique to minimize the accumulated error during linear and inclined movement (G00, G01) and in circular movement or motion in curve (G02, G03) on X, Y axes in CNC machines.
The error solved through algorithm didn’t rely on conventional calculation which depends on movement angles and parametric function sin/cosine, but depend on mathematical equation for straight line and circle which guarantee precision movement in x, y axes percent near to zerothroughsynchronies sending and receiving electrical pulses to motors which control the axes motion .
The optimization was done on milling CNC machine.
Microcontroller pic 16F877 was used with drivers L293 and power supply, stepper motorswith step angle 7.5° and programing language C+ and micro C software to write algorithm and microcontroller program.
Also software (protous 8 professional) do simulation is used to execute and simulate the axes movement in different direction in linear,CW and CCW in circular interpolation with observed rotation movement for stepper motor according to electrical pulses which it receive it from microcontrollerand was tested on the machine.