Controlling devices and systems are essential in modern times, especially when
robots do important and dangerous jobs accurately. The main goal of this project
is to make an economic control system, with high measures of safety, can be
used by a normal person without any complications. Line Follower Robots are
self-instructing robots, their main purpose is to follow a certain line and never
go out of track. Usually, this line is a black colored line. The principle of those
robots depends on the reflection of light for the two different surfaces. The
reflection is measured through an infrared sensor. Then a controller processes
this data to guide the robot on the right track. This robot solves a lot of problems
like unnecessary-time wasting labor work in assembly lines, factories and mass
storage facilities. The problem with this robot is it takes a long time to do it’s
required job, due to its uneven movement and tracking. And it goes out of
bounds a lot, also it can’t turn on tough corners. Solution to this problem is to
enhance its input data, response, processing and structure. This concept was
tested in various conditions and proved to be successful with satisfying results.