In this study 15 soil samples were collected from Dallanj town where dividing the town into fiveparts (E, C, S, N and W) using GPS.Three samples were taken from each part. 500 grams of soil sample wasweighed and closed inplastic containers for four weeks so as to have secular equilibrium foruranium.Our goal of this study was estimate Investigation of Radionuclides Soil Samples fromSouth of Kordufanstate(Western Sudan).Natural radioactivity concentrations in soil samples were measured bygamma-ray spectrometry a with a high purity germanium detector with 37% efficiency compared to the NaI (TI) detector .Calibrationprocess carriedout for gammaspectroscopy using MW652 as areference source which recommendedby the InternationalAtomicEnergy Agency (IAEA) including-source-Cs-137 and Co-60 withtwoenergy levels. The study aimed to evaluate the levels of normal activity of radioactive elements .from the result was found that the concentration of potassium in the five parts in the range (325.66667 ± 259.954483-39.33333 ± 27) Bq/kg and the concentration of radium in the range (27.50000 ± 7.037755-13.13333 ± 1.404754) The average absorbed dose rate for each region was found to be 11.820793066 ± 2.849046 nGy / h of natural radioactivity of the region.