Salicylhydroxamic acid was synthesized by coupling methyl salicylate with free hydroxylamine. The compound was recrystallized in water/acetic acid mixture and identified by m.p., iron and vanadium color test and IR spectra [showing absorption bands 3295 cm-1 (-- OH), 1610 cm-1 for C=O and 910 cm-1 for N-O. Iron and vanadium salicylhydroxate complexes were prepared by reacting salicylhydroxamic acid with the corresponding metal salt in aqueous media, filtered, purified and dried, showing the characteristic colors. Their purity of complexes was tested by their linear relationship of concentration and absorbance.
Stoichiometry of iron and vanadium with the ligand is measured at different pH values. The results show 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 for iron and 1:2, 1:3 for vanadium.