This study aims at locating and highlighting problems which
encounter both teachers and students in overcrowded classes and how to
overcome these obstacles; and also investigating difficulties, which
hinder secondary school teachers in performing their interaction and
activities in overcrowded classes. In order to achieve that, the researcher
used the descriptive analytical method as a frame of inquiry and statistical
The sample of the study consisted of two categories, the first one
was the sample of the teachers (20), head departments (10) and
supervisors (10) which was selected randomly to make the total of forty
from the whole population (306) (males and females) in secondary school
level in Omdurman town.
The second sample was the sample of students, their number is
hundred from the whole population (1025) students (males and females)
in secondary school level in Omdurman town. See appendix No (3).
The researcher designed a questionnaire of eighty one statements to
cover four areas of interaction, methods, techniques, and visual aids for
English language teachers; and another questionnaire consisted of 27
statements were designed for students the number is (100) from whole
population is (1025) in secondary school level in Omdurman town to
cover the significant differences in interaction between teachers and
students inside the classroom.
The collected data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program.
The results were presented in form of frequency and percentage
The findings which researcher came to reach at the end of the
investigation supported the research hypotheses, which states that there
are most corresponding of data collected by the questionnaire and content
analysis with the hypotheses. 77.5% of the respondents states that
Interaction techniques can be useful in teaching learning English
language in overcrowded classes. 62.5% of the respondents agreed that
pair work can be useful technique to help the students to master English
language. The third hypothesis states that 57.5% of the respondents
presents that group work is an effective technique in motivating students
in understanding English language. Hypothesis number four, 80% of the
respondents states that the use of visual aids can motivate and enhance
students to master English language.