This study was conducted to isolate and identify the bacteria that associated and causing mastitis among the herds and to determine the risk factors which contributed for spread of the disease in East Nile locality. A total of 99 milk samples were collected from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis from different four units (East soba, Alsheglla, Alseleet,and Kuku) for the period from February to April 2017. California mastitis test, pHmeasurement for milk and used to identify different types of mastitis pathogens. Culture characteristics and biochemical testsincludeprimary tests such as: gram stain, catalase test, oxidase and sugars tests. And secondary tests such as: ( urease, nitrate,mannitol test, also analytical profile index APIE20) .From the 99 milk samples were used to identify isolated bacteria the result revealed that 18 (18%) werepositiveto California mastitis test and their pH was above normal. The total number of isolates was 123. Outof the 123 bacterial isolates 98 were gram positive, theisolated gram positive bacteriawere as follows: Staphylococcus71 (72.4%), Micrococcus 27(27.6%).Secondary tests were performed and two species of Staphylococci were identified as:S. epidermidis 5 (18.5%) in Kuku farms, 6 (22.2%) in East soba farms, 16(59.3%) in Al Shegllafarms. and S. sciuri9(21.4%) in Al Sheglla,15 (35.7%) in Alsellet farms,18(42.9%) in Kuku . other isolated bacteriainclude Micrococcus species from Kuku farms17 (63.0%) , in AlSheglla 4 (14.8%) , Alsellet 6 ( 22.2%) . one isolate from gram negative bacteriawas identified as: Psuedomonasoryzihabitanswhile thetwo bacteria were not identified .
Analysis of risk factors according to the studydetermined that some of the risk factors which were contributed for the occur of thedisease include: body condition (p value=0.10%), sanitarypractice (p value=0.10%) and quarter type (p value=0.05) out of twenty one risk factors.