The project aims primarily to preserve the rare and endangered and try to take advantage of plants, including economically and try to take advantage of the medicinal plants in the treatment of some diseases and through the work of specialized laboratories for the propagation of such plants and try to draw some drugs which in addition to the benefit of aromatic plants and extraction perfume and oils, including in order to contribute to raising the country's economy in general.
- finding Solutions and developed to some plant problems that we face plant
To encourage agriculture in the country in general:
-To provide a unique entertainment experience to boost ecotourism in Sudan.
To motivate people to be eco-friendly & save the environment. -
- To educate people about ecology & the environment, thus raising awareness and
interest in this field that is generally neglected in Sudan.
Special goals: -
Researcher planning and design capabilities through the development of this project.
Architectural goals: -
-Worked planner and designer for the project on the basis of geometric and free of problems and in line with the job.
-increasing the Architect's role in participating in the development of his country economy through the work of such projects.
Economic goals: -
- Contribute to raise the Economy country by increasing production plant
- Contribute to the provision of natural pesticides rather than imported from abroad and pesticides that have a significant impact On human health and on the soil.
- Contribute to the provision of natural medications extract of medical plants and replaced by chemical drugs Imported from abroad.
-producing Largest amount of rare plants and medicinal and aromatic plants through propagation laboratory and genetic.
- Work to take advantage of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (economic) as required.