The aim of this project is to develop the existing communication system in aircrafts and to substitute it with the AeroMACS which is operating at C-Band. To Implement the AeroMACS it is crucial to examine its performance.
In order to examine the performance of any communication system we have to derive a relation between Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Bit Error Rate (BER).
According firstly to the communication system model which consists of (source and encoder) in the transmitter, transmission medium, and (decoder and destination) in the receiver, and secondly to the standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), modeling and simulation examine the performance of the AeroMACS, the model consists of (source, convolutional Encoder, Inter-leaver, Modulator, And OSTBC Encoder ) in transmitter, and a channel that varies according to the path of signals and (OSTBC combiner, Demodulator, Deinter-leaver, and Viterbi Decoder) in the receiver. The results were shown in Bit Error Rate destination and then the drawing of the required graphs to derive the relation.