This was descriptive cross-sectional study, aimed to investigate status of iron deficiency anemia among Sudanese women in reproductive age (15-47) years .It was carried out during the period of (January –April 2017) at saad Abo ElleleHospital. The study included 100 Sudanese females; 70 non pregnant women and 30 pregnant women, their age ranged 15-47years.
All subjects were verbally informed about the study and their consent for participation was obtained. Venous blood sample of 5ml was collected from each subject. Automated hematological analyzer (Sysmex KX21N) was used for CBC and automated biochemical analyzer (Selectra XL) was used for serum iron and total iron binding capacity.
The data collected consist of demographic data of women included menstrual status, age, pregnancy status; dietary, medical history and educational level.70% of women were normal. The result was analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 11.5). Age divided into three age groups (15-25) years, (26-36) years and (37-47) years with mean and STD (24.7+5.6).
The prevalence of anemia (Hb<11.0g/dl) was27% among the study group and the majority of women had moderate anemia (55.6%). (14.8 %) were mild anemic, while severe anemic was (29.6%). The study observed that there was statistically significancedifference in the mean RBCs count, PLTscount, Hb level, MCV, MCH, and MCHC,Serum iron and TIBC among anemicgroup whencompared with non-anemic group (P<0.05).
Result also show that there was statisticallyinsignificantdifference in measuredparameters (serum iron, TIBC and Hb) between pregnant and non-pregnant women (P. values 0.27, 0.39 and 0.10) respectively.
Also there was no significant association between severity of iron deficiency anemia and demographic data (P>0.05).addition, therewas statistically significance difference in iron store status between different group of Iron intake (P.value =0.01). This high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia among women may be due to malnutrition and lack of medication during pregnancy.