The steam power plant generally is assemblies of systems convert chemical energy of the (coal, oil, gas) into mechanical energy in a turbine and transmission to generate electricity. The load on a power station varies from time to time due to uncertain demands of the consumers and is known as variable load on the station.
Most equipment we produce today uses this energy because it‟s easy generate and transform from one kind of energy to another also we can control it, power parameters effect on equipment electrical while the frequency is raise the equipment motion high speed (vibrations) and when frequency is little the equipment no motion let the power convert to thermal energy .
The objective of this study is to identify Reasons of load variation, Unit component effect when load variation occurs their effect per thermal efficiency, Steady working of steam unit under variable load and operation of steam unit to yield electricity.
In this project, studied important parts in steam power plant and the effect of load variation on the thermal station in general, and especially the units of the Boiler and turbine , this study implemented in Bahri thermal power station(Unit Six).
The main problem to be studied in this project represented in is the effect of load variation on some components of the thermal unit and efficiency of its components The efficiency of the boiler and the turbine was calculated and found to vary with the load variation for reasons to be highlighted later.
The most important recommendations of this study Use simulations programs to find the Momentariness of efficiency, Calculate the boiler efficiency by indirect method, Enter the pressure less heaters in turbine efficiency calculate, Calculate the average to values which is taken form history data.