Some of the physiochemical properties of Azadirachta indica Gum (Neem) Gum were studied. They include: moisture, ash, nitrogen hence the protein, pH value and specific optical rotation.
The results show that: moisture content is 13.07%, ash content is 3.13%, Nitrogen content is 4.9%, protein is 32%, specific optical rotation is –65.5, and pH is 6.5.
The number molecular weight of the sample was estimated using osmotic pressure measurement and found to be 4.0×106 g/mole.
Thermodynamic properties of Azadirachta indica (Neem) gum including, the partial specific volume of the solvent (water) and solute, and the volume fractions were estimated and found to be 1.000 g-1cm3, 0.947cm3g–1 and 0.5136 cm3g–1, 0.4863 cm3 g-1respectively.
Chemical potential ranges of Azadirachta indica have been calculated from osmotic pressure measurement for different concentration of gum solution and were found to range from –0.444837×10–2 to –0.625968×10–2 Jg-1, free energy of mixing between –0.12693×10–2 Jg–1 and –0.32145×10–2 Jg–1,and Second virial coefficient was 0.94x10-5.