This study is conducted to test the possibility of using intelligent load shedding at Sudanese power grid and aimed to know the effect of intelligent load shedding at the power grid stability especially at the condition of loss of generation.
At this study analytic hierarchical process (AHP) method had been used to determine the weight factors of each load at Sudanese power grid loads, then load flow had been applied to Sudanese power grid at three cases:
Normal condition, loss of generation and load shedding condition .after applying Intelligent Load Shedding (ILS) at losing of generation four loads had been shaded: ALMUGRAN (MUG), New ALHASAHISA (NHAS),Old ALHASAHISA (OHAS) and ALGINAD (GND). After applying ILS power system grid over all performance had improved. The study recommended to implement the real time function and the important of loads should be estimated by experts of engineers and designers