This entire research concentrates on role and contribution of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point process in the meat processing industry in Khartoum State.
The research aims identifying the Impact of Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point on food safety for the processors of the meat industry in Khartoum state, find out the difference between two meat industries in Khartoum state, one is HACCP implemented & the other one is non implemented.
Data were collected through a structured questionnaire of 86 samples. It was classified as 28 samples of the total samples collected from the facility not applied the hazard critical control point, while the remaining 58 samples collected from the facility which applied the hazard critical control Point over the meat industry in Khartoum State.
From statistical correlation table and through the correlation coefficient analysis on the data collected from 58 samples in the facility applied the hazard analysis and critical control point, the result of a correlation coefficients significant level was about 0.895, which are greater than a level of 0.05 which clearly indicate that all variables were significant.
From the analysis of the collected data, it was observed that all the variables had a significant impact of the process of Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point
An analysis of the correlation coefficient from the data collected reveal that the Hazard Analysis process has a direct impact upon the safety program in the meat industry in Khartoum state. The industries that apply this system have several programs to monitor food safety, other than those industries have not started this system did not apply it.
Thus through research and analysis concluded that the Hazard Analysis of Critical control point has a great and important impact on the meat processing industry within the state of Khartoum.