Khartoum is one of the 71th states of Sudan. Although it is the smallest state with area (22,142 km2), it is populations more than 7million. So it is the most populated state in the country.
In recent years, Khartoum state received many migrations from rural areas and some large cities. They either look for wider job opportunities or better health and education services.
This research was carried out to evaluate the development and coverage of the services and the distribution it in Khartoum state in last 25 years using ARC GIS .Khartoum city was taken as a sample of the three cities forming the state. Where the study was conducted to include education, health services, police stations, recreational services and roads.
For the purpose of this study, institutions responsible and population in addition to field visits were used as the main sources of data. Also, GIS package used to create the maps and link the obtained descriptive information beside the required analysis.
Analysis was carried out every five years. Therefore, the twenty five years of study divided in to 5 years periods, except roads which, started from year 2003 because of non-availability of previous data.
Results showed that declination in some services coverage is indicated by decreasing of health service, education service, police stations coverage ratio in recent years, and increasing the coverage of entertainment services and roads.
This study reflected that the southern part of Khartoum suffer from lack of services coverage and in several different areas.