This was descriptive cross-sectional study which conducted in Alhasahesa .teaching hospital Aljazeera state . Sudan to assess the relationship between the heights of femaleindividual and the renal length using ultrasonography.
This study was carried out during the period from October 2016 to January 2017.
The data was collected from fiftywomen, their ages were between (14 and 45) years old, analyzed by SPSS(statistical package for social science).
The study showed the maximum height of female was (175 cm) 2% and the minimum of the height was (152cm) 2% the most frequent height was (160 cm) 30%. The study showed the maximum age of female was (45 years) 2% and the minimum of the age was (14 years) 2% the most frequent age group was (36-45) 36%.Generally the Rt kidney was shorter than the Lt Kidney. The Rt kidney length was proportionally increased with the height of female according to Person’s test in strength about (0.44).
The Lt Kidney was also proportionally increased with the height of female but less than the Rt kidney by using the same test the strength about (0.24). The study recommended more research studies should be done about the relation of other parameters such as weight, occupations, and races with renal length by using large sample size.
The RT kidney length was proportionally increased with the age of female according to Person’s test in strength about (0.29).
The Lt Kidney was also proportionally increased with the age of female but less than the Rt kidney by using the same test the strength about (0.25). The study recommended more research studies should be done about the relation of other parameters such as weight, occupations, and races with renal length by using large sample size.