This was a descriptive cross sectional study carried out in AL zaeem Al Azhary privet primary school - Khartoum state and Al hamya primary school in western kurdufan state from November 2016 to March 2017, which aimed to evaluate splenic length in school age children using
There were 85 child (20 males and 24 females) from Khartoum state , and (23 male 21 female ) from western kutdufan using, all those children had age ranged from six to thirteen years old and were of normal spleen, any child had age above thirteen years old or had any splenic disorder was excluded from this study.
Trans-abdominal scanning was done for all cases using Fukuda Denshi with curvilinear probe of 2 to 3.5 Megahertz.
Data collected using special data collection sheet designed to evaluate child age, weight, height and splenic length. For analyzing of collected data study used Statistical Package for the Social.
Study resulted that mean weight of children under study from Khartoum was 26.2 ± 7 (Kgs), while the mean weight of children under study from Kordofan was 25.8 ±6.4 (Kgs), mean height of children under study from Khartoum was 1.3 ±0.12 meter, while mean height of children under study from Kordofan was 1.5 ±0.12 meter .mean height of children under study was 1.5 ±1.3 meter .the study resulted that the mean length for khartum child was 8.909±1.072 and for kordufan child 8.561±0.019
Study concluded that there was no liner association between splenic length and age, weight ,height. and there was strong significant correlation between splenic length age ,weight,height in both states
Study recommended that further studies should be done with increased number of cases and introduced other Sudan states