An experiment was conducted at Shambat Agricultural Farm College (320m) above Sea level, Sudan University of Science and Technology, to study the effect of Sevin and Malathion residues on soil and impomoes batatas growth. Both pesticides were added at the concentrations of 1.09 kg/ha (recommended dose) and 1.78 Kg/ha, (excessive dose) in addition to a control to evaluate their effect on plant and soil. The measurements taken were from plant and soil. The measurements taken were plant height, (cm), leaf area (cm2), Fresh and dry weights (gm), pH, total nitrogen%, phosphorus (ppm), C C + M (meg/L) and electrical Conductively (ECe (ds/m) of the soil solution. The results revealed that, both chemicals affected positively impomoes batatas vegetable growth at the recommended dose but negatively at the excessive dose.