A "mpl: dc:nnllon oftbe 1C'!ICllIhud Held equ.alIOll ....1th III SOlIn>: 1I:.n, II pou~nted b)' rcsma,"I O\lI'5el'~11tI a 1ocaI1" ,nm..,) f'r:lme It rNuOCS to EmSla.a', rlCld equallOn ,,'ben the la,gnmgQll III lmlW Asswtu"8 thc memc to be MlIlko\\"sklllll. SImple soIUII0D5 for !he $l;;l.lu cur.'lIturc Iho" tbe c-~lIlencc ofI shan range field and the e""SlIOn ofJ1lI,.Il4t>Oml ,,-a,~ b) ab,r«ts ..boch hJ.,e stron, field!!