This is a descriptive cross sectional study which was done in Omderman Maternity Hospital and Omdurman friendship Hospital, carried out from August to December 2016.
Study amid to detect Adnexal causes of pelvic pain in non pregnant women using B-mode ultrasound, there were 50 female patients scanned trans abdominal and trans vaginal use TOSHIBA ModelSSA-370A. All these patients had pelvic pain, any female had age under fourteen and had normal pregnancy was excluded from this study .This study showed mean age between(26-35)years ,and married more affected than non married, and also found PID most common causes of pelvic pain 21out of cases(42%),followed by adnexal masses18of cases(36%) ,7 of patient (14%)had adnexal cyst,4of patient (8%)had ectopic pregnancy. This research approved it is hypothesis that ultrasound was more accurate tool for detection of female pelvic pain.
We recommended further studies should be carried out in this field on many aspects such as increasing the number of patients, to show the relation between pelvic pain and infertility, comparing between the role of U/S scanning and other diagnostic tools, using a trans vaginal ultrasonographic approach and color Doppler ultrasonography.